Universidad Adolfo Ibañez


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Félix Raspall

Félix Raspall

Felix Raspall. (2015). A procedural framework for design to fabrication. Automation in Construction

Félix Raspall

Felix Raspall. (2015). Modelling Behaviour. Elsevier

Félix Raspall

Amtsberg, F., Raspall F, C. F., & Trummer, A. (2015). Digital Material Feedback in Architectural Design. In Emerging Experiences in the Past, Present and Future of Digital Architecture (pp. 631-640).

Félix Raspall - Imbern, M., Choi, W.

Raspall, F., Imbern, M., & Choi, W. (2013). Adaptive Tectonic Systems: Parametric Modeling and Digital Fabrication of Precast Roofing Assemblies Toward Site-Specific Design Response.

Félix Raspall - Imbern, M., Choi, W.

Raspall, F., Imbern, M., Choi, W. (2013). Adaptive tectonic systems: Parametric modeling and digital fabrication of precast roofing assemblies toward site‐specific design response. Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Computer‐Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia, CAADRIA

Félix Raspall - Imbern, M., Su, Q.

Imbern, M., Raspall, F., Su, Q. (2012). Tectonic tessellations: A digital approach to ceramic structural surfaces. Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture.
