Universidad Adolfo Ibañez


Félix Raspall

Raspall, C. (2018). Promoting Low Cost Housing through Urban Mining. International Design Centre.

Félix Raspall

Raspall, S. (2018). Advanced Bamboo Structures using 3D Printed Components. IDEA Grant.

Félix Raspall

Raspall, F. (2018). Diseñador y coordinador de el espacio del evento para Open House.

Félix Raspall

Raspall, F. (2018). Singapore Urban Design Talks. Lopelab.

Félix Raspall

Raspall, F. (2018). Ciclo de presentaciones. Singapore Polytechnic.

Félix Raspall

Felix Raspall. (2018). FORO: Design Affair Forum Discussion: Sustainability in Urbanisation ‐ Fact or Fiction?. Design and Architecture Magazine.

Félix Raspall - Arora, M., Silva, A.

Arora, M., Raspall, F., & Silva, A. (2018). Identifying Design Interventions in Cities for Urban Sustainability. Volume 4: 23rd Design for Manufacturing and the Life Cycle Conference; 12th International Conference on Micro- and Nanosystems, 0. https://doi.org/10.1115/detc2018-85808

Félix Raspall - Amtsberg F., Banon C.

Raspall F., Amtsberg F and Banon. (2018). 3D Printed Space Frames. Proceedings of the IASS Symposium, 2018, MIT.

Félix Raspall - Trummer, A., Bechthold M., Andreani S.

Felix Raspall, Rajkumar Velu & Nahaad Mohammed Vaheed (2019) Fabrication of complex 3D composites by fusing automated fiber placement (AFP) and additive manufacturing (AM) technologies, Advanced Manufacturing: Polymer & Composites Science, 5:1, 6-16, DOI: 10.1080/20550340.2018.1557397
