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Vera, F.; Mehrotra, R. (2016). Urbanism of detachment. IN_BO. Ricerche e projetti per il territorio, la citta e l´architettura.
Vera, F. (2016). The Unpostponable overcoming indulgent architecture. ARQ 94.
Raspall, D. (2016). 3DC. Digital Design and Manufacturing of 3D Composites. Digital Manufacturing and Design Centre.
Raspall, F. (2016). Ciclo de presentaciones. Diseñador y coordinador de el espacio del evento para Open House 2016.
Raspall, Felix & Arora, Mohit. (2016). Building from End-of-Life: An Alternative Approach for Low-Cost Urban Housing.
Arora, Mohit & Raspall, Felix & Silva, Arlindo. (2016). Mining the Urban Ore: Opportunities for Intervention in Resource Constrained Smart Cities.
Raspall, F., & Banon, C. (2016). vMESH : How to print Architecture?
Pinochet, D. (2016). Radical Temporalities: Pabell’on en la Bienal de Shenzhen 2015. Folio 224348. FONDART
Pinochet, D. (2016). Radical Temporalities en Re-Living the city. 2015 Bi-city Biennale of Urbanism/architecture