Universidad Adolfo Ibañez


Felipe Vera - Rahul Mehrotra

Vera, F.; Mehrotra, R. (2016). Urbanism of detachment. IN_BO. Ricerche e projetti per il territorio, la citta e l´architettura.

Félix Raspall

Vera, F. (2016). The Unpostponable overcoming indulgent architecture. ARQ 94.

Félix Raspall

Raspall, D. (2016). 3DC. Digital Design and Manufacturing of 3D Composites. Digital Manufacturing and Design Centre.

Félix Raspall

Raspall, F. (2016). Ciclo de presentaciones. Diseñador y coordinador de el espacio del evento para Open House 2016.

Félix Raspall - Arora Mohit, Arlindo Silva

Arora, Mohit & Raspall, Felix & Silva, Arlindo. (2016). Mining the Urban Ore: Opportunities for Intervention in Resource Constrained Smart Cities.

Félix Raspall - Bañón, Carlos

Raspall, F., & Banon, C. (2016). vMESH : How to print Architecture?

Diego Pinochet

Pinochet, D. (2016). Radical Temporalities: Pabell’on en la Bienal de Shenzhen 2015. Folio 224348. FONDART

Diego Pinochet

Pinochet, D. (2016). Radical Temporalities en Re-Living the city. 2015 Bi-city Biennale of Urbanism/architecture
