Universidad Adolfo Ibañez


Felipe Vera - Rahul Mehrotra

Mehrotra, R.; Vera, F. (2014). Kumbh Mela: Robustness and Adjustability in an Ephemeral Megacity. Hatje Cantz

Felipe Vera - Rahul Mehrotra

Mehrotra, R.; Vera, F. (2014). Constructing the World Biggest Disassemblable Mega City. En Works that Work. Works that Work Publishers

Felipe Vera - Gareth Doherty, Jose Maria Ortiz, Fadi Masau

Doherty, G.; Masau, F.; Ortiz, J. M.; Vera, F. (2014). Environmental Management, Planning and Design. Harvard GSD Press.

Felipe Vera - Rahul Mehrotra

Mehrotra, R.; Vera, F. (2014). A City with an Expiration Date. En Kumbh Mela. Mapping the ephemeral mega city. Hatje Cantz.

Felipe Vera

Vera, F. (2014). Ephemerality as Urbanism: Varanasi, Kumbh Mela and Lessons from the Sacred River. ANBC

Felipe Vera - Rahul Mehrotra

Vera, F.; Mehrotra, R. (2014). Reversibility. Function Lab.

Felipe Vera - Rahul Mehrotra

Vera, F.; Mehrotra, R. (2014). Constructing the World Biggest Disassemblable Mega City. Works that Work Publishers.

Felipe Vera - Benjamin Scheerbarth

Vera, F.; Scheerbarth, B. (2014). Detaching from Permanence: Reflections on Ephemeral Urbanism and Critical Conservation”. Landscape Architecture Frontiers 12.

Félix Raspall

Amtsberg, F., Raspall F, C. F., & Trummer, A. (2015). Digital Material Feedback in Architectural Design. In Emerging Experiences in the Past, Present and Future of Digital Architecture (pp. 631-640).
