Universidad Adolfo Ibañez


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Felipe Vera

Vera, F.; Mehrotra, R. (2016). Urbanism as Reconfiguration: A Reversible City. List Lab

Felipe Vera - Rahul Mehrotra

Vera, F.; Mehrotra, R. (2016). L’urbanistica del distacco”. Ricerche e progetti per il territorio, la città e l'architettura. IN_BO

Felipe Vera - Rahul Mehrotra

Vera, F.; Mehrotra, R. (2016). Ephemeral Urbanism. Domus India.

Felipe Vera - Rahul Mehrotra

Vera, F.; Mehrotra, R. (2016). Infrastructure in Flux: The Deployment and Disassembly of an Ephemeral Mega City. NYU University.

Felipe Vera - Rahul Mehrotra

Vera, F.; Mehrotra, R. (2016). Ephemeral Urbanism, Urban Design Lab. Technical Institute of Vienna.

Felipe Vera - Rahul Mehrotra

Vera, F.; Mehrotra, R. (2016). Importa Realmente la Permanencia? Hacia un urbanismo de lo efimero. Plot Publishers.

Felipe Vera - Rahul Mehrotra

Vera, F.; Mehrotra, R. (2016). Urbanism of detachment. IN_BO. Ricerche e projetti per il territorio, la citta e l´architettura.
