Universidad Adolfo Ibañez


Paula Rojas - Álvarez, M. P., Poblete, V. H.

Álvarez, M. P., Poblete, V. H., & Rojas, P. A. (2009). Structural, electrical and percolation threshold of Al/polymethylmethacrylate nanocomposites. Polymer Composites, 31(2), 279-283. https://doi.org/10.1002/pc.20800

Paula Rojas - Guzmán, D., Ordoñez, S., Serafini, D., Aguilar, C., Santander, M.

Guzmán, D., Ordoñez, S., Serafini, D., Rojas, P. A., Aguilar, C., & Santander, M. (2010). Thermal stability of amorphous Mg50Ni50 alloy produced by mechanical alloying. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 356(2), 120-123. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jnoncrysol.2009.10.002

Sergio Araya

Araya, Sergio. (2010). On Original Form. Uqbar Editores

Sergio Araya

Araya, Sergio. (2010). The (not yet) dialogue project: A deferred conversation on Post- Unsustainability. ReVista, David Rockefeller Center Harvard University.

Sergio Araya

Araya, Sergio. (2010). Morphometric origins of biological and bioinspired exoskeleton design via macroscale prototypes. NSSEFF 2010 Proceedings.

Sergio Araya

Araya, Sergio. (2010). Reconstrucción de Chile RENA News

Sergio Araya

Araya, Sergio. (2010). Desafíos de diseño urbano e infraestructura en la reconstrucción. Enlace 2702

Rodrigo Tisi

Tisi, R. (2010). Entrada. SCL2110: arte, arquitectura, performance. UQBAR editores

Rodrigo Tisi

Tisi, R. (2010). La Disciplina. Escenografías Urbanas. Salesianos
