Universidad Adolfo Ibañez


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Félix Raspall - Chadurvedi Venkatesan, Rajkumar Velu, Nahaad Vaheed, Tong-Earn Tay & Arlindo Silva

Automated fibre placement (AFP) is an advanced manufacturing process with a built-in heat and pressure system, an effective method for in situ consolidation of composite parts. In the present study, carbon fibre PA-6 prepregs were laminated by an IR-assisted AFP system, and the effect of process parameters on the resulting part quality was studied. Of the six fundamental process parameters, two parameters, i.e., laying speed and IR power were identified to be critical. Hence, the current study is focussed on the optimization of these two parameters while keeping the others constant. Three different combinations of IR power and laying speed were deduced to be optimised parameters for the material system used. In general, the laying speed should be increased along with the appropriate increase in IR power. Through visual and microstructural inspection, the laminate manufactured with these optimised parameters were found to have fewer defects and better consolidation when compared with samples manufactured with unoptimised combinations.

Félix Raspall - Carlos Bañon

Highlights how architectural design is advancing fast 3D printing developments Includes a total of ten in-depth case studies Presents the disciplinary implications of ongoing manufacturing revolution

Valentina Rozas-Krause

¿Deben resistir los monumentos? Monumentos caídos: notas sobre nuestra actual estatuofobia

Valentina Rozas-Krause

Monument is a collaboration between e-flux Architecture and Het Nieuwe Instituut.

Valentina Rozas-Krause - Daniel Coslett (editor)

Neocolonialism and Built Heritage Echoes of Empire in Africa, Asia, and Europe

Tomás Folch

Folch, Tomás. (2020). Edificio Hamlet. ARQ

Tomás Folch

Folch, Tomás. (2020). Andes Mountain Strategic Plan. IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci. https://doi.org/10.1088/1755-1315/503/1/012103

Matías Garretón

Garreton, M., Basauri, A., & Valenzuela, L. (2020b). Exploring the correlation between city size and residential segregation: comparing Chilean cities with spatially unbiased indexes. Environment and Urbanization, 32(2), 569-588. https://doi.org/10.1177/0956247820918983
