Universidad Adolfo Ibañez


Felipe Vera

Dialogue-oriented urban transformation processes and practical approaches from Latin America and the Caribbean

- Videla-Reyes, R., Ravanal, E., Aros, M., Ibacache, C., & Valdivia, P.

Creativity, Actives methodologies, Teacher Training, 4E Approach

Félix Raspall - Carlos Bañón

Large-scale additive manufacturing for architectural applications is a growing research field. In the recent years, several real-scale projects demonstrated a preliminary viability of this technology for practical applications in architecture. Concurrently, the use of recycled polymers in 3d printing has progressed as a more sustainable feed for small-scale applications. However, there are limited empirical examples on the use of additive manufacturing using recycled polymers in large-scale and real-life architectural applications. This project develops two design and fabrication approaches to large-scale manufacturing using recycled Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) from single-use bottles into large design elements and tests them in a real-life project. The two designs are discussed in detail: a 4 m diameter dome-like chandelier printed with a robotic extruder using recycled PET pellets, and a 3.5 m diameter chandelier using a Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) printing farm. The paper covers the state of the art of related printing technologies and their gaps, describes the printing process developed in this research, details the design of the domes, and discusses the empirical evidence on the benefits and drawbacks of large-scale additive manufacturing using recycled polymers. Overall, the research demonstrates the possibilities of large-scale additive manufacturing using recycled polymers, adding findings form a real-life project to the growing body of research on additive manufacturing in architecture.

Este artículo intenta elucubrar acerca del asunto del tiempo en el espacio digital, entendido como el conjunto espacial virtual por medio del cual interactuamos online, por medio de una breve síntesis de las diferentes elaboraciones del concepto de tiempo y su transición en las diversas culturas y especies, se describe en primer ugar, el espacio digital como otro espacio, a relacionar con la experiencia estética, en donde el ser humano se desvincula del espacio físico real en el que habita, por medio de algoritmos en evolución y se desmaterializa el cuerpo físico, los lugares, los objetos, etc. En un espacio que muta y que tiene características particulares, con medidas, peso y formas de habitarlo, entre otras características propias, que abren la posibilidad de replantear también la métrica del tiempo que allí transcurre, y que es intransferible al mundo físico.

Luis Valenzuela - Raimundo Sánchez, María José Briones, Denis Berroeta

The delimitation of burned areas is an important step for the study of forest fires, and the use of satellite remote sensing allows a scalable methodology. Previous studies use a dNBR threshold to determine the presence of burned areas, but this threshold is affected by vegetation variability determined by the geography of the study area and land use coverage. For them, the difference in the normalized index of burned areas (dNBR) was used to study the mega fires that affected the central zone of Chile in the summer of 2017. An automated methodology was developed that, based on satellite images and polygons of the burned areas provided by the National Forestry Corporation of Chile (CONAF) generates a set of dNBR thresholds differentiated by administrative region and land use. The application of differentiated dNBR thresholds significantly improves the accuracy of the burnt area delimitation model, although it does not achieve satisfactory results for all land uses. This methodological advance will make it possible to improve the design and control of policies for the prevention, conservation and restoration of ecosystems affected by forest fires.

Rodrigo Tisi

Objetos y espacios performativos explora el campo de performance y los estudios de performance para explicar y expandir las potencialidades que tiene el diseño al relacionarse con otros saberes y prácticas, ideando y proyectando mundos. El libro examina momentos claves en nuestra historia reciente para observar, explicar y establecer las posibilidades de ciertas prácticas de performance en la academia y en entornos de disciplinas creativas. Así, busca llegar a un público diverso, interesado en campos expandidos de la arquitectura, el diseño, las artes, las comunicaciones, la tecnología y la ingeniería, entre otras posibilidades

Sergio Araya - Cesar Fuentes, Mikko Strahlendorff, Maria J. Camus, Anni Kröger

Sit-C a new method using heterogeneous imagery datasets and astronomical tools to detect air pollution.

Valentina Rozas-Krause

That “the personal is political” is widely accepted thanks to the feminist movement, but that “the political is personal” seems entangled with difficult questions of witnessing, memory, history, and generational trauma. This article is about the latter: the political that is also personal, and the fear of outgrowing the timeframe of memory. Today Chile commemorates the fiftieth anniversary of the American-backed coup d’état that ended the democratically elected government of the Chilean socialist president Salvador Allende (1970-1973). The number of years — fifty — matters, because it marks the end, or at least the beginning of the end, of a generation of first-hand witnesses and victims.

Joaquin Rosas - Chris Ernst, Tatiana Butts, Roberto Broce, José Hirmas

Exhibición de proyecto OngoBoard en el Museo de Diseño, Barcelona, con proyecto Tabla de surf de Micelio, en exhibición FIxing the future.
